Szs Modifier For Mac


Contact the site master on his Youtube Page. Welcome to the online recourse for RMCE01 (Mario Kart Wii) ocarina codes! Notice, you will need the homebrew channel to run these codes. If anyone is willing to upload the bulk files of the szs modifier Program files, then I could use those files, Baisically installing without the installer Thanks! MP3 Quality Modifier MP3 Quality Modifier is a straightforward program that is able to easily change. DOWNLOAD; BlackOps2 GSC Modifier BlackOps2 GSC Modifier is a free-to-use application for Windows OS that allows. DOWNLOAD; PDF Security Modifier PDF Security Modifier is a very flexible and powerful application, it can be. $39.98 DOWNLOAD; MPEG4 Modifier Modifies MPEG-4 ASP videos (XviD. The SZS Modifier program is the original program to allow you to load up and alter Mario Kart Wii's and New Super Mario Bros Wii SZS files. This allows the user to perform texture hacks and model hacks to Mario Kart Wii and New Super Mario Bros Wii games which use the same.szs file data and then export these files back into the game. The SZS Modifier program is the original program to allow you to load up and alter Mario Kart Wii's and New Super Mario Bros Wii SZS files. This allows the user to perform texture hacks and model hacks to Mario Kart Wii and New Super Mario Bros Wii games which use the same.szs file data and then export these files back into the game.

, auteur des outils de manipulation de fichier image de jeu WIT/WWT, propose maintenant un utilitaire de traitement les fichiers SZS. Cet utilitaire fonctionne uniquement en ligne de commande. L’intérêt par rapport au autre outils de manipulation de ce type de fichier est la possibilité de faire des traitement par batch (traitement par lot). Bien entendu, Wiimms SZS Tools n'est pas un substitut à SZS Modifier, qui possède une interface graphique bien plus conviviale et interactive.
Consultez le site officiel pour voir la lite des opérations possible avec Wiimms SZS Tools
SzsCet outil peut fonctionner sous Windows/Linux/Mac os. La version présente sur wii-info est la version Windows. Rendez-vous sur le site officiel pour obtenir les autres versions.
szs v1.52a r7164 - 2016-06-29
- Bug fix for wkclt: Since v1.49a, the transformation was executed twice,
but only for commands DECODE and ENCODE. Command COPY works correct and
transforms only once.
- wstrt: Wiimmfi patching excludes now 3 patch positions for competitions.
It's now the job of the competition patcher to patch these 3 URLs.
- wkclt CFF: If creating a new flag file, the new function i(type,z,index)
is defined as support for fall boundaries (idea by Wexos).
- New tool: wmdlt: The tool wmdlt exists since v0.26a (2012), but was always
hidden, because it was useless. But now I started with MDL analysis and
plan to modifiy MDL data.
- wmdlt CAT/DECODE: Print a MDL file as text. It is incomplete, but can be
used for analysing.
- wmdlt STRINGS: Print all strings of a MDL.
- For slot 42 (moonview highway) the content of the 12 needed materials
is checked.
szs v1.51a r7107 - 2016-06-01
- wstrt is able to patch DOL files of other games and not only of MKWii.
- The CHECK for slot 4.2 will be more exact now because it looks for the
needed materials. The presence flags of objects 'car_body' and 'kart_truck'
is also tested. If option --OLD is set, the old polygon test will be used.
- Option --kmp=list supports now the keyword REVERSE as `backwards| support:
Reverse KMP sections ENPH, ENPT, ITPH, ITPT, POTI. The implementation is
not finished yet and more section (CKPH, CKTP, KTPT, JGPT) will follow.
- Different small fixes.
szs v1.50a r7053 - 2016-04-08
- Improved cheat code handling.
- Three new options: --gct-move & --gct-addr & --gct-space
With these 3 options it is possible to support a very large cheat code
table. Therefor a temporary section is created that runs at the very
beginning and takes space from the game heap to establish a code section
before the FST table.
- Tool wctct: Update of the internal CT-CODE (mod1). The new code allows to
select original tracks in regions. Here you can find old CT-CODE versions:
Visit for more details.

Télécharger Wiimms SZS Tools v1.52a r7164
< Wiimms SZS Tools

This is a How To for Wiimms SZS Tools.The scripts in this How To are bash Scripts. bash is one of the most popular scripting shells in the Unix world including Mac. Together with the standard Unix tools like grep, sort, awk, sed, tac and many more it is very powerful scripting host.

bash and all Linux tools are also available for Windows: Just install Cygwin. To install on Mac, but only if the did not work, drag all the files in the downloaded bin folder to /usr/bin. To find it, click Go, then Go to Folder. Enter /usr/bin, and paste the files there.

Szs Modifier For Mac
  • 1Extracting All
  • 2Replace Track Names
  • 3Transform KMP Values

Extracting All

It's very easy to extract a SZS or BRRES archive completely and recursively:

A directory named 'my.d' is created. it contains all extracted files and also some control file:

  • Known archives like SZS, U8, BRRES, BREFF and BREFT are extracted recursively.
  • BMG file are decoded and stored as BMG-Text files.
  • Images of TPL, TEX0 and BREFT subfiles files are stored as PNG files.
  • For recreating the archives a text file names 'wszst-setup.txt' is created. You can edit it to change the behavior.

You can add, remove and/or modify files in the extracted tree:

This command tries to create a new my.szs, but it won't overwrite it. Add --overwrite to overwrite or --dest=new.szs to give it another filename.

Extracting all files

With Linux or Mac and also with Windows if using the Cygwin environment, it is very easy to extract all SZS files with one command:

  • The '@' means: Read the filename from a fie.
  • The '-' behind the '@' means: Use stdin (standard input) as file.

Replace Track Names

The following steps describes how to replace the track names of all message files of all supported languages of Mario Kart Wii without destroying any other message. The user must only provide one text file with the new track names, all other is done fully automatically by a single command.

Track Name File

First prepare a text file with the following content:

Some syntax rules
  • The encoding is UTF-8.
  • The very first 4 characters of the file must be »#BMG« (without quotes)!
  • Lines may be in Unix (LF) or Windows (CR+LF) style.
  • Empty lines and lines starting with an hash ('#') are ignored.
  • Indention by spaces and tabs is allowed.
  • 'Tnn' is only an other notation for message IDs. You can use any message id (MID, in hex notation) to set a message. 'Tnn' will set both track related messages.
  • 'Unn' is like 'Tnn', but for arenas. (The letter 'A' cant be used because conflicting with a hex number.)
  • 'Mnn' is an alternative name for the message codes 1194..11f3.
  • Leave (or comment) out unmodified track and arena names.
  • The message order is irrelevant.
  • If a MID is defined twice, the second will override the first one.


The following command patches all BMG files included into all SZS of directory ./Scene/UI:

Transform KMP Values

If a course model was scaled, the position, size and perhaps rotation values if the KMP must be scaled too. This may be 1000 or more single values. Since v0.24a, Wiimms SZS Tools are able to shift, scale and rotate horizontally all KMP values. The following description is based on v0.25a of the tools.

What is possible?

If a transformation is set and a KMP file (binary or text) was read, the tools wszst and wkmpt transform the KMP values (positions, scales and rotations). Different values can be entered for the 3 axis (X, Y and Z) and the transformation is done in three steps for the 3 axis in this order:


Szs Modifier For Mac Download

Szs Modifier For Mac
  1. First positions and sizes (=scale vectors) are scaled, if option --scale is set. For positions, the distance to the origin is scaled, sizes don't need the origin. Negative scale values force a mirroring of the positions.
  2. In a second step, all positions are shifted, if option --shift is set. The entered values are added to the position values.
  3. In the last step a horizontal counterclockwise rotation is done, if option --hrot is set. Only position and rotation values are transformed and vertical positions (Y values) are never changed.

Determine the transformation values

Szs Modifier For Mac Shortcut

If the users know the scale and shift values, they can enter them directly with the options --scale and --shift. But there are also the alternative options --xss (x-scale-shift), --yss, and --zss. If using these options, the user enters the old and new coordinates of 2 points and the scale and shift vectors are calculated automatically. This section describes how to find good points for these options.

First the user must select 2 good points for the operations. Good points are far away for each axis. The example on the picture contains several good pairs. First they can select a point in the top left and the other in the bottom right (red points). They can also use points from the other diagonal (magenta points). Alternatively, they can use separate points for each axis, e.g. the blue points for the x-axis and the green points for the z-axis. The height (y-axis) can' be determined by the minimap model.

To determine the positions of the selected points, open the old and the new SZS file with a graphic viewer like the KMP editor of the SZS Modifier. Zoom in as max as possible and place any points (perhaps from any route section) at prominent positions. Then note (copy+paste) the coordinates from the old and the new model. Repeat this until you have found pairs for each axis.

Then select a command (see next section) and add:

It is important, that each number use a point ('.') as decimal point, never a comma (','): 123.45 is a correct floating point number, but 123,45 are 2 numbers (123 and 45) separated by a comma.

Tools, commands and options

Nearly all copy commands of the tools wszst and wkmpt accept the transformation options and transform the KMP file on the fly. Examples:

This is a summary of all transform options, it is a copy of the built in help:

--scale vector[@origin]
Transform the data: Scale all KMP coordinates and size values by 'vector'. Negative values mirror the coordinates. Each parameter is either a vector expression or a comma separated list of coordinates ('x,z' or 'x,y,z'). If the origin is not set, use 0,0,0 instead.
--shift vector
Transform the data: Add 'vector' to all KMP coordinates. 'vector' is either a vector expression or a comma separated list of coordinates ('x,z' or 'x,y,z').
--hrot degree[@origin]
Transform the data: Rotate all KMP coordinates and rotation values horizontal counterclockwise by the angle 'degree'. Each parameter is either a vector expression or a comma separated list of coordinates ('x,z' or 'x,y,z'). If the origin is not set, use 0,0,0 instead.

Szs Explorer Download

--xss x1old,x1new,x2old,x2new
--xss (x-scale-shift) calculates the X values of --scale and --shift, so that the old values are transformed to the new values.
--yss y1old,y1new,y2old,y2new
--yss (y-scale-shift) calculates the Y values of --scale and --shift, so that the old values are transformed to the new values.
--zss z1old,z1new,z2old,z2new
--zss (z-scale-shift) calculates the Z values of --scale and --shift, so that the old values are transformed to the new values.

And again: It is important, that each number use a point ('.') as decimal point, never a comma (','): 123.45 is a correct floating point number, but 123,45 are 2 numbers (123 and 45) separated by a comma.


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