Diablo 2 Blood Raven

Overview Blood Raven first appears as the unnamed playable rogue in the original Diablo. In Diablo II, her name and her identity as a member of the Sisters of the Sightless Eye is revealed. Her close friend Kashya, however, requests for the player to kill Blood Raven, who now lives in the Monastery Graveyard. 200-300% Bonus To Attack Rating (varies) Fires Explosive Arrows Or Bolts Level 13 Level 5 Revive (30 charges) +2-4 To Bow And Crossbow Skills (Amazon Only) (varies) (Only Spawns In Patch 1.10 or later). Blood Raven's Charge may be available for purchase at Lewt. Blood Raven, one of our finest captains in the battle against Diablo at Tristram, was also one of the first to be corrupted by Andariel. Now, you'll find her in the Monastery graveyard raising our dead as zombies! We cannot abide this defilement! If you are truly our ally, you will help us destroy her.'

  1. Diablo 2 Blood Ravens Charge
  2. Bloodraven
  3. Diablo 2 Matriarchal Bow
  4. Diablo 2 Blood Raven Location

Diablo 2 Blood Ravens Charge

Disclaimer:I do not own Diablo 2 or its expansion.

Diablo 2 matriarchal bow

Thisis my first fanfiction though, and it is based on the new Necromancercharacter and his adventures. Other characters from other professionsmight come in sooner or later in time.

Chapter2: Blood Raven's Redemption

Hesoon awoke and stepped out of his tent. Before he left, he was oncestopped by Paige. 'You better be careful now all right? The waytowards the Burial Grounds is fraught with danger… the Cold Plainsare run amok with demons... and many of our corrupted sisterhoodroams the area as well.' Haimler nodded and once again wondered whythis particular Rogue was so concerned about his very well being. Hedecided to ask her later after he had completed his task.

Hestepped out into the Blood Moor once again, walking towards the ColdPlains. On the way, he stopped near the former Den of Evil andfrowned. He sensed a faint demonic taint to the cavern and deducedthat demons had inhabited the cave once again. He would have to cleanup the cave one more time, though he suspected that the demonicpresence here would not be totally gone until he had slain the Maidenof Anguish that now holds the Rogue Monastery.

Diablo 2 blood raven location

Withthat he walked towards the old abandoned house that he had discoveredbefore and studied his tome once more. As he studied, he gained moreknowledge about how to summon more skeletons, and how to strengthenthen. After a while, he stepped out of the house and walked towards asmall narrow pass where a lone Rogue stood there, watching warilyaround her. He then approached her and said. 'Are you Flavie, theone that Paige mentioned about? My name is Haimler, and I am on myway to the Burial Grounds to take care of Blood Raven.'

TheRogue woman looked at him warily and said. 'I am indeed Flavie,stranger… and if Paige trusts you, then I too, will not find faultwith you. You may pass into the Cold Plains… but I have a favor toask. Lately, a small band of Fallen Ones are amassing together inlarge numbers in a small camp nearby, led by a powerful Shaman calledBishiboshi… I need you to clean that camp out. He's the onemenace that rules most of the Cold Plains… if you can get rid ofhim, it would be easier for me to clean up any stray demons thatdared to cross this pass.'

Diablo 2 Blood Raven

Haimlernodded his agreement to pursue the quest for her, but before he left,Flavie said. 'Oh, and one more thing… there is a mysticalwaypoint marker near here. It acts as a teleportation medium to ourEncampent, so it would be more convenient for you to use it if youneed to return. And if you pass this way on your way back, hand meany quivers of arrows that you may find.'

Diablo 2 Blood Raven

Henodded and then strode past her into the Cold Plains. It was aptlynamed, he thought as he felt a chill that was even colder than hefelt in the Blood Moor. He then soon encountered a large stone circlewith a sigil on it. He studied it closely and remembered what Flavietold him. He stepped onto it and muttered the incantation to activateit. Two points of the sigil then lit up and he smiled as he left thecircle. He was looking forward to using it to travel faster.

Howeverhe was interrupted by war cries, female war cries to be precise. Hethem saw a small band of scantily clad women, carrying shields aswell as some blades. They were reminiscent to the Rogue sisterhood,though their smiles were malicious and their skin an ashen grey, aparody of the once proud members of the Sisterhood of the SightlessEye. 'Perfect… just perfect, of all times… the corrupted roguesfound me….' He then drew the sword that was strapped on his backand then charged them, taking the small group of five women alone. Hewas careful to avoid their blows, though he was hit a few times,small cuts appearing on his arms. After killing one of them, he saw asoul leaving the body and smiled to himself. 'So that's a way tofree the Rogue Sister's soul from her corrupted body…' He themstepped back, taking another red potion and gulped it down, beforeraising a skeleton. He was impressed as this skeleton now held abattered looking kite shield, and held a sharper looking axe. He thencharged back into the fray, and with the aid of his skeleton, he wasable to dispatch the corrupt rogues quite easily. He then raised twomore skeletons and noticed that one a sword, while the other a wickedlooking morning star. He shrugged as he went to a small grove nearby,and then began to spar with his minions, training himself harder,before he decided to camp for the night. He then decided to go backto the site where he dispatched the corrupt rogues to see if they haddropped anything. He then saw some pieces of gold scattered on theground and proceeded to pick them up. He then found some throwingknives on the ground, presumably dropped by the corrupt rogues duringthe battle. He scoured the area and found two more sets of knives onthe rogue's bodies, and he slipped them into his pack, intending tosell one of the sets when he returned to the Rogue Encampment.

Speakingof which, he then took out the blue ribbon scroll from his pack andread it aloud. A blue swirling portal appeared and then he steppedinto it, and he found himself back at the Encampment. He then went toCharsi and then showed her the set of knives. She then smiled. 'Theseare very good crafter knives.. I'll buy them from you. I'll giveyou 1000 gold pieces for them.' After receiving the money, helooked at Charis's inventory and decided to make a few purchases.First, he sold off his cap, leather armor and boots as well as theshort sword, earning him about 500 more gold pieces.

Hethen used the money to buy a set of heavy boots, some heavy glovesand a set of hardened leather armor. He smiled as he felt himselfmore protected now. He then took it upon himself to purchase a smallshield as well as a falchion. He strapped the small shield onto hisleft arm and swung the falchion a few times to get a good feel of it,before leaving, and proceeded to Akara's hut to purchase more townportal scrolls and item identification scrolls. He then stepped backinto the portal and found himself back in the Cold Plains.

Hecontinued to travel the plains with his skeletons, and then heard thefaint sounds of 'Rakanishu!' in the distance. He went towards thesound to investigate, and grinned. He saw a crudely built camp withseveral groups of Shamans and Fallen Ones, though one stood out fromthe rest, as his skin was of an orangy gold color. He then commandedhis skeletons to kill off the shamans, while he himself chargedtowards Bishiboshi. The monster then began hurling fire bolts athim,three at a time, instead of just one like normal Shamans do,though he managed to block most of them with his shield, until hereached the demon's side. He swung his falchion, nicking the demona few times, before he swung his blade against the jugular,decapitating the demon. He then looked up and grinned. His skeletonshave killed off all of the shamans, and were now cleaning up the campfor him by slaying the rest of the Fallen, who were now quitedisorganized with the death of their leaders.

Herested for a while and then took another health potion from his packand drunk it, to make him feel better, and heal him of the wounds hesuffered during the battle between the Shaman as well as the fewFallen Ones that had managed to wound him as he was battlingBishiboshi. After which, he scoured the camp, and smiled as he foundmore gold pieces, as well as a saber that glowed blue, and two ringsthat glowed the same color. He also found an amulet, which was alsoglowing blue. He shrugged and pocketed the items into his pack,before making his way towards another narrow pass into the BurialGrounds.


Ashe stepped into the Burial Grounds, he couldn't help the anguishand loss of the rogues that their sacred burial ground was beingdefiled by someone that was once their own. Though he was quitecomfortable entering a graveyard, after all his kind did deal withraising of the dead. The once holy walls of the cemetery was now acrumbling mess, and vines twined the now rusting grilles of the gatesand walls.He then strode forward and heard the shuffle of feet, andthe familiar low moans of zombies. He was a bit surprised though,that the zombies that faced him had greenish skin, with some gray andblack blotches on their bodies. He hesitated for a moment, judgingthat these zombies would prove to be harder to defeat. Nevertheless,he commanded his skeletons to attack.

Thankfully,his skeletons were able to slay all of them, though one of themcrumbled under the assault of the last of the zombies, which in turnwas killed by the remaining two skeletons. He then raised anotherfrom a zombie corpse and circled the burial ground, encountering morezombies, and some skeletons that he presumed had been summoned byBlood Raven herself.


Theysoon entered the Burial grounds and he grimaced as he saw many deadRogues strung onto a tree in the middle of the Burial Grounds. Thechilling image was too much for him, even if he was a necromancer.Before he knew a flaming arrow whistled towards him, and he dodged intime, and the arrow impacted against one of the crumbling walls ofthe Burial grounds. A chilling female voice cried out. 'Join myArmy of the Dead!'

Heturned towards the origin of the sound and froze for a moment. Herewas the woman that he had promised to slay. Blood Raven. She wasbeautiful even after being corrupted, her ashen skin contrasted withthe blood red armor and the raven helmet that she wore. Her eyesglowed in a yellowish tinge, and a malicious smirk was on her lips asshe let fly with more arrows. He raised his shield to block some ofthem, and winced slightly as one grazed slightly against his thigh.He then ordered his skeletons to surround her and attack, but theyonly managed to nick her a few times, while she pelted them withflame arrows and sparking arrows. As he moved towards her, one of hisskeletons axes swiped across her head, and she ducked, but not beforeglancing off something in the middle of her helm. She shudderedbriefly, and he observed that she halted occasionally, shaking herhead in confusion, her eyes alternating from the devilish yellow glowto a normal human's eye. She then looked at him. 'Please... helpme… destroy the gem…. Destroy the gem…..'

Hethen looked closer at the helm and found a cracked blood red gem,which reeked of demonic taint and energy. Using his skeletons as ashield, which distracted her, he aimed his blade against the gem andbrought it down hard, shattering it. A pulse of red demonic energyescaped from the gem, streaking into the sky, and Blood Raven slumpedon the floor. Still wary of the woman, he approached her slowly,ready to retaliate, just in case anything went awry. Slowly, sheopened her eyes, and he found them to be of a hazel color and shesmiled softly at him. 'Thank you, stranger…. For releasing mefrom my bondage. I was captured by Andariel's forces two weeks ago,after my party of Rogues was decimated while we tried to destroy her.She implanted a mind controlling gem on my helm… I was powerless toresist her commands…' She gave him a wan smile before fallingunconscious again.

Haimlershrugged as he opened a town portal and then cradled the now limpformer Rogue captain in his arms and carried her through the portal.Many gasps of surprise and shock greeted his arrival, and many rogueslooked at him warily, mainly because one of their enemies was in thestranger's arms. Some of them were already readying their bows andaiming those arrows at his direction. Before they could speak orfire, Kashya approached him warily raising her hand and motioned forthe Rogues to stand down. She then looked at him and then asked.'What is the meaning of this, stranger? Have you too, fallen preyto the corruption?'

Haimlertook a deep breath and then explained. 'No, I have not, honorableKashya. Your friend, Blood Raven was being controlled by a mindcontrol gem implanted on her helmet by Andariel. I shattered it andbroke her control over her.'

Kashyafell silent for a moment and then looked at him. Her eyes now heldsome warmth, and her voice too, sounded a bit more relieved, andthankful. 'Perhaps my judgement towards you was a bit harsh,Haimler…. You not only honored your oath, but also gave back mybest friends to me… I owe you a debt that can never be repaid. AllI can do now is that proclaim that the Rogues will pledge theirsupport in your quest…. And I formally acknowledge you as friendand eternal ally of the Rogues.' A resounding cheer erupted acrossthe camp in approval of Kashya's decision, and he caught Paigewinking at him, though her eyes glittered menacingly at him, for somereason that he could not fathom. The Rogues also were glad that theirranks have been strengthened by the return of one of their finestCaptains.

Akaracame towards the campfire and then said. 'Bring Blood Raven to myhut... I shall use my skills to try and heal her, and look afterher.' She then looked at Haimler and said. 'I also express mygratitude, my friend… for now, have a good night's rest. I shallspeak to you again in the morning.'

Diablo 2 Matriarchal Bow

Haimlernodded and then went towards his tent and entered it. He then laydown on the pallet and smiled softly. He felt good, that he was ableto help the Rogues, and that hopefully would repair the damage of thereputation that others of his kind had done. With that thought, heclosed his eyes and drifted off to a peaceful sleep.

Diablo 2 Blood Raven Location

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